Girls Need Love Too: A Guide to Self-Care for Black Mothers

Written By: Free The Vision

As a mother, taking care of your children and home is a top priority, but what about taking care of yourself? Self-care is crucial for maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle, yet many Black mothers neglect their own needs in order to prioritize their families. At the core, Parents Need Love is intended to create a space specifically for our greatest caretakers so we’re discussing the importance of self-care for Black mothers and providing affordable ways to practice it.

Self-care is any activity that you do deliberately to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. It is essential for your overall well-being, and can improve your mood, increase your energy levels, and reduce stress. As a Black mother, it can be easy to put yourself last, but practicing self-care can actually make you a better parent and partner.

The His & Hers: The Parental Load theme recognizes the unique challenges that Black parents face when balancing work, family, and self-care. Mothers, in particular, may find it difficult to find the time and resources for self-care. Here are some tips for practicing self-care on a budget:

  1. Schedule in "me" time: One of the biggest reasons why self-care falls by the wayside is because it's not scheduled. Carve out some time in your schedule for yourself and stick to it as much as possible.

  2. Set boundaries: Learning to say "no" and setting boundaries can be difficult but it's important. Setting boundaries can help you manage your time better and ensure you are not overextending yourself.

  3. Learn to delegate: Delegating tasks to your partner, family members or friends can help you free up time to focus on yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Additionally, self-care doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming. Here are some affordable ways to practice self-care:

  • Take a relaxing bath or shower

  • Go for a walk or run outside

  • Journal about your thoughts and feelings

  • Try a new hobby or activity that you enjoy

  • Practice yoga or meditation

Connect with other mothers through online groups or in-person meetups

It's important to remember that self-care is not selfish, it is necessary for your well-being. By prioritizing self-care, you can become a better mother, partner, and overall person. So take some time for yourself today, and watch as your life becomes more fulfilled and joyous.

It's also essential for Black mothers to remember that they are not alone in the struggle to balance self-care with motherhood. The societal pressures and systemic barriers that Black women face can make self-care feel like an unattainable luxury. It's important to recognize that practicing self-care as a Black mother is an act of resistance against the harmful narratives that seek to diminish and exhaust us. It's a way to preserve and prioritize our well-being, and to model healthy behavior for our children.

In conclusion, practicing self-care is not only important but essential for Black mothers. By taking care of yourself, you can improve your mental and physical health, reduce stress, and become a better parent and partner. Don't forget to schedule "me" time, set boundaries, and delegate tasks to free up time. And remember, self-care doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming, there are many affordable ways to practice it. So take some time for yourself today, and prioritize your well-being.


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