Parents Need Love: A Proud Girl Dad - Kazeem  Famuyide

For Kazeem Famuyide, media influencer and Emmy Award-winning TV host, being a girl dad is one of his greatest accomplishments, which you can tell by the joy in his voice as he talks about his precious two daughters or by the fact his bio reads, “Ruby and JoJo’s dad.” Kazeem, better known simply as Kaz, has made an impact in media by being his authentic self – offering commentary on pop culture’s biggest moments with effortless wit served with a hearty chuckle. In addition to being the cool guy at work, Kaz’s family is his top priority.

Raised by a single mother with an “incredible work ethic,” Kaz witnessed his mother navigate single motherhood with admirable poise and ambition. “My mom taught me what it was to selflessly love their kids.” Despite humble upbringings, she encouraged him to pursue his dreams. She instilled in him that he can accomplish anything.

Kaz is a trusted voice in the Black space and behind closed doors, he is the ultimate family man. During our candid chat, he gushed over his girls and praised his fiancé for adding value to his life. And it was the solid foundation from his mother, who taught his to dream big, which permeates every aspect of his life.

“That drive comes from the love of my family,” he passionately explained. “There's gonna be so many other things in the world to worry about and concern themselves with. And things that I can't possibly protect them from, the least I can do is provide and do as much as I can.”

Being a provider for his daughters is a priority for him as a father. It’s the first thing he thinks of in the morning and when he closes his eyes at night, he’s thinking about being a protector. “

“As a man, the first thing is protect and provide every single day.” Whether he’s lending his voice to the latest rap beef on his podcast or reacting to Wrestlemania clips, Kaz is a jack of all trades.

“Everybody always jokes that I have a million jobs and I do a million things and all that,” he said elaborating on what it means to be a provider. “The last thing I think of when I go to sleep is, protecting them and providing for them. In addition to that, it's unconditional love and support.”

Kaz believes fatherhood also extends to the duty he has to honor and uplift the mother of his children. Kaz’s fiancé Jasmine is his rock. “I've loved her since I was 17 years old.” Being understanding and offering grace is something Kaz practices daily. “Life isn't gonna give you the smoothest of situations, but love will always kind of figure itself out and just loving her. She's my best friend. She's better than anything that I've ever experienced in life. She's always been through it with me, and she's always loved me through everything, and I've always loved her through everything.”

It's important to Kaz to have his girls to grow up in a two-parent home because his late father left their home when he was just a young boy.

“I didn't grow up with two parents, you know? Being able to see that through is extremely important to me because I want my children to see that as well.”

Kaz has been surrounded by strong women all his life so he doesn’t mind taking the burden of the cape off their backs.

“I'll be Superman ‘til the day the glasses fall off my face,” he said playfully. “There’s nothing that makes me happier than seeing my family happy and healthy and loved for and cared for. That's numeral uno over anything.”


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